Sunday, January 12, 2014

Brownies & Rose-Leaves

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About the author
Brownies and Rose-Leaves was a book given to Agatha Christie, famed mystery writer and one of the top-selling authors of all time, by her father in 1895.  People who knew Agatha believe that having the book at such a young age influenced her childhood. Agatha revolved around magical and mysterious places, secret gardens, kingdoms, fairies, elves, flowers and trees, which inspired her imaginative writing career. 

These fairy tales of Brownies--today we know them as elves--come to you from Brownie Land, a land of magical gardens and fun stories. The beautiful color illustrations will take you back in time to the imaginary enchanted places of brownies, birds, flowers, and animals--a wonderful place where children and adults can dream of an imaginary world, as Agatha did.